Adult Ministries

Take a look at just a few of our major ministries around Lighthouse!

  • Growth Groups

    To place people in the context of Biblical growth, we offer age appropriate Growth Groups for Bible study, prayer and care which facilitate daily growth in their walk with God.

    We believe growing as a believer is personal but not private. The Christian faith has always been lived out with other Christ-followers' support. In Acts 2:42-47 we find four values that we can apply to our GROWTH GROUPS. A listing of our current Growth Groups can be found by clicking here ADULT GROWTH GROUPS.

  • College Age - Retired Seniors

    YAHS (Young At Heart 55+ Ministry)

    If you or your spouse are age 55+ you're invited to join us! As our child raising and career demands are winding down, we may be in a unique position where we have more time, flexibility, and resources at our disposal than ever before. We may also encounter some difficult challenges as we maneuver through this life stage. Team up with others in the YAH's ministry and be encouraged to live a life of purpose as we make the most of this season of our lives.

    Married Couples (All married couples)

    Our Marriage Ministry exists to compassionately come alongside husbands and wives with information and resources to strengthen their relationship. Strengthen your marriage by participating in a couple's growth group, or attending an special event offered through out the year.

    Singles (Over 30 and divorced, widowed or never married)

    There are groups and events just for single adults. Whether it is just hanging out with others in similar life situations or sitting down with them to study God's word you will have an exciting and meaningful time in the singles ministry.

    Young Adults (High school grads- 30 year olds)

    Young Adults is a community that gathers in meaningful ways to study God's Word, worship, have fun together, serve and challenge each other to become more like Jesus.